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We love zines!

We have been working together to create zines for the past 5 years. Our first zine was designed to spread awareness for Menstrual Hygiene day and since then we have made zines about cycle touring, mental health, fatness, queer weddings and more!

In 2018 we founded the Edinburgh Zine Library in collaboration with the Art and Design Library at Edinburgh Central Library. The zine library has since become a strong community led organisation. Our zine filing cabinet has a collection of over 300 zines that can be read within the Central Library. We also offer both in person and digital workshops for organisations around the UK.

In 2020, Lili began work as a PhD researcher working on an AHRC CHASE funded project between the University of Kent and the Wellcome looking at the Wellcome library’s collection of health zines!

Um, what’s a zine?

Put simply, a zine is a homemade, DIY, publication, usually distributed in small batches by an individual or small group. Zines are not professionally made and are often created, printed and folded in people’s bedrooms. Classically zines are photocopied (usually sneakily on work photocopiers). The best way to work out what a zine is is to be shown a zine. Below you can find examples of digital and physical zines we have made as well as a video of a zine reading we made for Swansea Zine Fest.